Welcome and thank you for playing Bingo at Cypress Bingo Hall!
Friday Night Bingo is hosted by the Pacifica High School Band Boosters. To find out more about our program and our amazing performers visit our website at https://www.pacificaband.com/.
- Minimum Buy-In – 2 Regular Game Pack: $31 (includes Power/Cash Ball)
- Extra packs : $5 each
- Warm-ups: $5 per pack (payouts start at $50 and increase each game)
- Speed: $1 each (3 games, payout 50/50 split)
- Power/Cash Ball: Included in buy-in. Progressive to $500 until won.
Doors open at 4:30, Warm-ups begin at 5:30, and Regular Games at 6:00pm.
Online seat reservations close Thursday at 9pm, before each Friday bingo.
Questions? Please email us at phsfridaybingo@gmail.com or send us a text/call us at 657-698-5197.