Bingo Rules

Players at the Cypress Bingo Hall agree to the following rules:

  • Initial buy-in must be paid in full before entering the bingo hall.
  • Management reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone.
  • Players must be 18 years of age or older to enter the bingo hall.
  • Facial coverings MUST be worn at all times for anyone not fully vaccinated.
  • Temperatures may be checked and anyone with a fever of 100 degrees will be refused entry.
  • Anyone displaying signs or symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to leave the bingo hall.
  • No intoxicated person will be admitted; No alcohol or drugs are allowed in the building.
  • No foul language or inappropriate behavior will be tolerated.
  • It is the responsibility of the player to call “Bingo” loud enough for the caller to hear.
  • Once a game is closed, it is closed – No Exceptions.
  • If a player believes he/she has a valid bingo, he/she must make sure the game stops until verification is complete.
  • You must have the last number called to win. Once a number is started, the caller must finish calling that number.
  • No refunds or exchanges. Each player must buy in to play paper.
  • The Bingo Manager’s decision or resolution of dispute is final.
  • Ejected players will NOT receive a refund for paper or tabs.
  • No loitering in aisles or any public space including the parking lots.
  • Smoking is not permitted within 50 feet of the building.
  • Trash and cigarette butts are to be disposed of in the designated trash containers.
  • Reservation space is for 1/4 of the table. Belongings MUST be contained within that space or are subject to removal.

*Each night of bingo may amend or add rules for their program. Please confirm the rules on the day you play